Poker Run

Cactus Fly-In 64 Will Stage a Poker Run: “Winner Take All”


Poker hand can be assembled by picking up cards at 5 locations: KCGZ, P08, E60, A39, KCGZ


The initial card draw and tally sheet may be picked up at Casa Grande or Coolidge between 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM for an entrance fee of $10.00. All additional card draws will be made at the designated stops (listed below) on the Poker Run and returned to Casa Grande by 12:00 PM, where the fifth card will be drawn (PLAYERS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO PICK UP ALL CARDS AT ONE STOP). For participants that picked up their tally sheets at Coolidge, two cards will be drawn at Casa Grande. Cards will be drawn one at a time and presented to the CAAA representative for view. If playing MORE than one hand, the participant must present a second Poker Run Tally Sheet to be marked BEFORE each card is drawn. The value of the card will then be recorded on the tally sheet with the initials of the CAAA representative. No duplicate cards can be used. Participants must draw an additional card if an identical card already listed on the tally sheet is drawn. Tally sheets with more than five marks will be disqualified. The tally sheets will then be turned in to the judges at Casa Grande no later than 1:00 PM for evaluation to determine the winner. In case of a tie, the pot will be split evenly between the winners. All decisions of the judges are FINAL! In case of unforeseen weather, the judges may alter the rules to achieve an equitable poker run. Participants need not be present to win. Winners will be announced at the conclusion of lunch at the TCB hangar or if the winner is not present, they will be contacted by phone.

Please review all NOTAMs applicable to your flight.